The C.O.T.P. Ministry Core
It's simple.
Put Jesus first. Be His disciple.
When you do that then love for
others will be there too. That same love for everyone
to know. Faithfulness to the things
Jesus loves will be seen in the way you think and respond.
So, How can you get that kind of
Read the Bible with an open heart,
live what you read in the Bible.
You'll find the power to do so when you
interact with Christ and His Bride. (the Church)
If that still seems too vague & you feel
like you need more info... maybe some help
in knowing where to start? Or maybe someone to
help you fill in some gaps.
then the Infusion Fast Track is just for you.
Our Core team are thankful for what they
gained in completing Infusion.
Many of them return to refresh
and grow deeper as their walk with Christ develops.
Some now even teach
The Bible is clear in the
New Testament about those who serve in the church.
If you have a passion for the Church and
want a chance to serve, the Infusion Course
is the simplest way to begin.
What the core team does is just
part of what they do as a
Chrisitian. They find their
service in the local church
and other ministries deepens their
insights into the Heart of God.
If you are ready to sign up
for a Core Ministry area that you feel interested
in, then
and let us know what or how you are interested in doing.